Page Reviewed / Updated – June 4, 2024

Program Description

The Home and Community Based Alternatives Program provides in-home services to eligible Utah residents with the objective of preventing the premature or unnecessary placement of individuals in nursing homes. This state-funded assistance program prevents individuals from having to spend down their resources and enroll in Medicaid.

A broad range of services are available via this program, including personal care at home or in adult day care, assistance with chores and home maintenance, and minor home modifications to accommodate for aging-related impairments.

The Home and Community Based Alternatives Program is administered by Utah’s Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Adult Services and is funded by various sources, including federal, state, and local.

Eligibility Guidelines

General Requirements

To be eligible for Utah’s Home and Community Based Alternatives Program, state residents must be at least 18 years of age and have a functional ability challenge that puts them at risk for nursing home placement.

Financial Requirements

Financial requirements determine if care is provided free of charge or offered on a sliding scale. Final financial eligibility is determined by the local administering agency, so income limits may vary by location within the state. However, typically one’s income must be below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and applicants must have limited assets, excluding their home and vehicle.

The approximate income and assets limits for 2024 are:

Income Limits

  • Individual: $1,882.50 / month
  • Couple: $2,555 / month

Asset Limits

  • Individual: $6,000
  • Couple: $12,000

Medical expenses are considered when determining if one is income eligible for this program, and as a result, some deductions may be made for medical bills and health insurance premiums.

Readers should be aware that if the financial eligibility requirements change, they do so prior to July 1 of each year, not on Jan. 1.

Benefits and Services

Under this program, there are a broad range of services and supports designed to allow the individual to remain living at home or in the community instead of in a nursing home.

The following benefits and services may be available via this program:

  • Adult Day Care
  • Case Management
  • Homemaker and Chore Services
  • Home Modifications, such as the addition of grab bars 
  • Assistive Technology, such as medication dispensers
  • Personal Care
  • Home Health Care / Skilled Heath Care
  • Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
  • Respite Care
  • Transportation

The costs of services are based on a sliding scale, determined by a family’s income, assets, and level of financial hardship. Some participants don’t have to pay a fee at all. Local Area Agencies on Aging offices carry the responsibility of making final decisions on admissions and fee contributions.

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How to Apply / Learn More

Enrollment in the Home and Community Based Alternatives Program is managed by the state’s network of Area Agencies on Aging. One can find their local Area Agency here.

Limited program information can be found here.