Eldercare Financial Assistance Locator

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  • Search over 400 Programs

Dedicated to Providing Seniors the Financial Resources They Need for Monetary and Physical Well-Being

PayingforSeniorCare.com strives to be the most complete, up-to-date, and reliable source of simple and easy-to-access information about financial resources for seniors and their loved ones on the internet. To accomplish that, the Eldercare Financial Assistance Locator tool was created, and comprehensive resources are continually being added and updated for those in every state in the nation. The site is owned and operated by Caring, LLC, a leading senior care referral service. 

PayingforSeniorCare.com’s History 

PayingforSeniorCare.com has it’s earliest roots in The American Elder Care Research Organization. This organization was established in 2007 as a result of the founders’ personal experience navigating the maze of program eligibility requirements, and eventually assembling the myriad pieces of the puzzle to create a suitable financial plan for a loved one. 

Carol Guerrero, an attorney specializing in estate planning and other legal issues of seniors, and Alex Guerrero, a website developer, drew from the expertise of other immediate family members (in medicine, law, and research) combining their experience and skills to create the PayingforSeniorCare.com website.

Since the website was launched in 2008 it has helped thousands of families to find the care required for their loved ones to age with comfort and dignity, and to assist their families in finding the financial resources to make it possible. In 2018, Caring, LLC acquired PayingforSeniorCare.com.

PayingforSeniorCare.com’s Future

PayingforSeniorCare.com is continually innovating in order to provide the best possible experience for seniors and their loved ones as they search for the right type of senior care and the financial assistance needed to make it a reality. When our tools and resources help seniors complete the process of finding senior care, the site makes a small referral fee from the senior care providers. 

PayingforSeniorCare.com’s Team

PayingforSeniorCare.com’s team is made up of senior care experts, editors, writers, and researchers devoted to finding the most accurate, relevant information and making it understandable and accessible for seniors and their loved ones. 

PayingforSeniorCare.com’s Contact Information

For questions or concerns, you can contact Caring, LLC

Caring, LLC

Address: 127 Scaleybark Rd Charlotte, NC 28209

Telephone: 650-312-7100