Program Description
The Ohio Elderly Services Program, also referred to as ESP, provides in-home services for seniors to assist them in living independently in their own homes (and potentially adult foster care homes), rather than require nursing home placement.
Examples of services provided include assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as bathing, grooming and dressing, and homemaker tasks, such as shopping for essentials, dusting and other light housekeeping. Other services may include adult day care, respite care, meal delivery and more.
There is some room for consumer direction of care services within the program, as clients are able to choose the provider for the needed services. Care recipients are also able to hire their own caregiver, who can be paid to provide certain types of care and services through ESP. This can be a friend or family member. However, spouses and those who have power of attorney cannot be paid to provide care.
The Elderly Services Program is only available in the following four Ohio counties: Butler, Clinton, Hamilton, and Warren.
The Elderly Services Program is administered by Ohio’s Council on Aging (COA), the Area Agency on Aging for Southwestern Ohio, and is funded through county tax property levies.
Eligibility Guidelines
General Requirements
- Residency – Applicants must be residents of one of the four counties: Butler, Clinton, Hamilton, or Warren.
- Age – For Butler and Clinton counties, residents must be 65 years of age or older. In Hamilton (including Cincinnati) and Warren counties, residents must be 60 years of age or older.
- Functional Need – Applicants must demonstrate a need for assistance with daily activities, such as mobility, toiletry, dressing, eating, and hygiene. The level of care needed may vary by county. Eligibility for the program is determined through an in-home assessment.
Financial Requirements
Income is not considered when determining if a senior is eligible for the program. However, a copay may be required depending on income and assets. A sliding scale is used to set the copay amount.
To be eligible for the Ohio Elderly Services program, one cannot be eligible for similar services through another program, such as Medicaid, Medicare or private insurance.
Benefits and Services
Services vary slightly based on the county of residence, but may include:
- Adult Day Care (this service can be used to provide respite for a primary caregiver).
- Basic Home Modifications / Home Repairs, such as the addition of grab bars and ramps, fixing a water leak, etc.
- Case Management.
- Companion Service.
- Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels).
- Homemaker Services.
- Medical / Non-Medical Transportation.
- Personal Care Assistance.
- Personal Emergency Response System (PERS).
- Respite Care.
- Independent Living Services, such as assistance with applications pertaining to benefits and organizing personal paperwork.
- Durable Medical Equipment, such as walkers, canes, and bath benches.
- Pest Control / Removal of Waste.
- Mental Health Services.
How to Apply / Learn More
For general information about the Elderly Services Program, click here. For county specific info and to learn how to apply in your area, see the chart below:
An initial screening will be conducted over the phone, followed by an in-home assessment for those who meet the initial criteria.
Wait lists may exist for the Elderly Services Program, as there is a program enrollment limit.
For seniors living in Clermont County who need in-home services, contact Clermont County Services at 513-724-1255, as they have a similar program. (This program is for seniors 60 years and older). For those in all other counties, contact your local Area Agency on Aging to find out what services are offered in your area. Click here to find your local office.