Page Reviewed / Updated – July 8, 2024

Program Description

Missouri’s Supplemental Nursing Care program is a financial assistance program from MO HealthNet (Medicaid). It is a cash benefit that helps the elderly who are frail, blind, and/or disabled pay for costs associated with residential care, including the cost of assisted living.

Payments to a recipient vary per the type of facility in which an individual resides. Individuals in assisted living facilities receive almost twice as much support as do individuals who live in residential care facilities.

Eligibility Guidelines

General Requirements

Age – Candidates must be at least 21 years of age.

Residency – Candidates must be legal Missouri residents. 

Place of Residence – Candidates must reside in a licensed assisted living residence or residential care facility to receive the benefit. It is not a requirement that the residence accept Medicaid. 

Care Needs – Applicants must require the level of care typically provided in a nursing facility.

Financial Requirements

Income Limits
Unlike other Medicaid programs in Missouri, there is not a set income limit. To be financially eligible, a participant’s income must be less than the cost of their stay at a residential care facility, assisted living facility, or nursing home charge.

Asset Limits
In 2024, applicants must have less than $5,909.25 in countable assets, which excludes the value of a home, if occupied by a spouse. A couple with both spouses as applicants cannot have assets in excess of $11,818.45.

There is a five-year Medicaid look-back period for assets to determine whether anything of value has been sold or transferred for less than market value. If one is found to be in violation of this look-back period, one may be ineligible for Medicaid for a period of time. Learn more about how Medicaid views assets of married couples.

Over the Financial Limits?

These criteria are approximate and for planning purposes. As mentioned above, final eligibility is conducted by the Family Support Division (FSD). If one has income and / or assets above the income limit(s), it is highly recommended that advice be sought from a professional Medicaid Planner.

Benefits and Services

As of 2024, Supplemental Nursing Care pays up to $292 per month for care in assisted living and up to $156 per month for residential care facilities. This program also offers up to $50 a month for a personal needs allowance.

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How to Apply / Learn More

Contact your local Family Support Division county office for more information. A list can be found here.

The state hotline number for the Family Services Division is 1-855-373-4636.  There is also a 24-hour number with an automated response 7 days a week at 1-800-392-1261.