Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama
(205) 942-5505
HICA aims to make it easier for Hispanic and Latinx residents of Alabama to integrate into their communities. They promote social and economic equality, advocate for the rights of community members and strive to build strong connections with members of other ethnic groups. HICA is a registered nonprofit organization.
Enlaces Alaska
(907) 891-2636
Enlaces Alaska works to give Hispanic and Latinx residents of Alaska a stronger voice in state policy matters. The organization also empowers community members to improve their health, get involved in local politics and share their cultural knowledge with other Alaskans. Specialized support is available for those who need help with immigration matters.
Phoenix Hispanic Network
Fill out the contact form on the PHN website.
PHN works to improve local government and ensure that Hispanic and Latinx residents of the Phoenix metro area have access to the resources they need to succeed. The organization sponsors educational events for local government officials and offers community engagement scholarships to students. PHN also operates the Latino Institute.
El Centro Hispano de Arkansas
(870) 931-1884
El Centro Hispano de Arkansas provides a variety of services to Hispanic residents of the Land of Opportunity. These services include housing assistance, help obtaining identification cards and interpreter services. The organization also offers Spanish and English classes, promoting improved communication among community members of all backgrounds.
California Latino Legislative Caucus
(916) 319-2058
CLLC advocates on behalf of Hispanic and Latinx residents of California. Staff members brief elected officials on issues of importance to their constituents and make policy recommendations to help improve the lives of Hispanic and Latinx individuals. Its policy priorities include voting rights, economic equity and the due process rights of all Californians.
Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization
(303) 722-5150
CLLAR empowers Latinx residents of Colorado to achieve their fullest potential. Staff members advocate on behalf of the growing Latinx population, addressing inequities in health, income and education. CLLAR also works to prevent discrimination and help members of the Latinx community access more opportunities.
Center for Latino Progress
(860) 247-3227
CLP offers services to help members of Connecticut’s Latinx community live fuller lives. The organization has translators on hand to help Spanish-speaking residents fill out immigration paperwork and complete Department of Motor Vehicles transactions. CLP also offers immigration assistance for community members who recently arrived in the United States.
Latin American Community Center
(302) 655-7338
LACC, or El Centro Latino, empowers Latinx residents of Delaware to reach their goals. The organization’s Los Abuelos program encourages seniors to stay active and improve their health. LACC also offers a variety of other services, such as crisis intervention and help for victims of domestic violence and other crimes.
Hispanic Unity of Florida
(954) 964-8884
HUF has information and referral specialists available to connect Hispanic residents of Florida with the resources they need to thrive. The organization also serves as a legal outreach center, giving community members a place to go if they need assistance from a Spanish-speaking paralegal.
Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights
(770) 457-5232
GLAHR helps Latinx residents of Georgia protect their human and civil rights. The organization has a hotline to help community members who have been detained or mistreated by law enforcement. Staff members also participate in protests and undertake other efforts to help Latinx immigrants avoid deportation.
Honolulu Community Action Program
(808) 521-4531
HCAP helps low-income residents of Honolulu access opportunities to improve their lives. The organization offers income tax assistance, transitional housing, weatherization assistance and other benefits. Latinx residents of Hawaii can also contact HCAP if they need help applying for LIHEAP and other assistance programs.
Idaho Commission on Hispanic Affairs
(208) 334-3776
ICHA works to advance social, educational and economic equality for Hispanic residents of Idaho. Staff members identify issues of importance to community members, allowing ICHA to collect data and look for opportunities to solve those problems. The agency also serves as a liaison between the state government and other advocacy groups.
Illinois Latino Agenda
(312) 376-1766
ILA promotes social and economic equity for Latinx residents of Illinois. The Chicago-based organization advocates for fair housing and encourages elected officials to give more thought to the challenges faced by Latinx community members. ILA also trains community members to advocate on behalf of themselves and their neighbors.
Indiana Latino Institute
(317) 472-1055
ILI has positioned itself as the leading organization for Latinx advocacy in Indiana. One of its core goals is to help Latinx community members improve their health and access educational opportunities. Staff members share the Latinx perspective with elected officials, promoting more equitable policies in the Hoosier State.
Latino Center of Iowa
(515) 635-4134
LCI exists to promote Latinx cultures, creating more opportunities for cross-cultural exchange. One of its main goals is to empower Latinx community members to live their lives to the fullest, so the organization offers service coordination, cultural activities and other programs. LCI also aims to foster inclusion and promote diversity.
Kansas Hispanic and Latino American Affairs Commission
(785) 296-3465
KHLAAC addresses policy concerns that are relevant to Hispanic and Latinx residents of Kansas. The commission maintains a directory of resources to help community members access information on equity in health care, education and employment. KHLAAC staff also share the concerns of the Hispanic and Latinx community with elected officials.
Esperanza Latino Center
(859) 261-0862
ELC provides services to Latinx individuals residing in Northern Kentucky. Bilingual volunteers help residents enroll in federal benefits programs and access other resources needed to improve their lives. ELC also provides translation services, making it easier for Latinx residents of Northern Kentucky to access as many opportunities as possible.
Puentes New Orleans
(504) 821-7228
PNO exists to build an inclusive community for Latinx residents of New Orleans. Staff members advocate for equitable policies that help community members access high-quality health care and improve their financial circumstances. PNO also collaborates with other organizations to ensure elected officials understand the needs of Latinx individuals.
Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project
(207) 780-1593
ILAP provides legal services and education programs for Hispanic and Latino immigrants in Maine. Seniors who didn’t obtain citizenship after moving to the United States can meet with an attorney for assistance with completing the paperwork. ILAP also advocates for the rights of Hispanic and Latinx immigrants in accessing services.
Maryland Latinos Unidos
(410) 727-6367
MLU is made up of Maryland organizations that work to help Latinx communities throughout Maryland. One of the organization’s goals is to increase awareness of the inequities faced by Latinx residents. Member organizations undertake grassroots campaigns to help community members live their best lives.
Amplify Latinx
(617) 272-2250
ALX exists to build the economic and political power of Latinx individuals living in Massachusetts. Staff members strive to increase Latinx representation in government and make sure community members have as many opportunities as possible to build economic security. ALX also promotes Latinx-owned businesses throughout the state.
Latino Leaders for the Enhancement of Advocacy
LLEA gives a voice to Latinx residents of Michigan, increasing representation and working to reduce discrimination. Members work to increase access to health services, respond to bias incidents and address unlawful discrimination against Latinx community members. LLEA has chapters in Detroit, Grand Rapids and other Michigan cities.
Hispanic Advocacy and Community Empowerment Through Research
(651) 401-0012
HACER offers workshops, programs and services to help Latinx residents of Minnesota access all available opportunities to succeed. Its focus areas include the promotion of Latinx cultures, economic development, environmental justice and voter engagement. HACER uses proven research methods to better understand the needs of community members.
Mississippi Hispanic Association
(601) 371-9009
MHA aims to promote cultural understanding and make it easier for Hispanic residents of Mississippi to feel comfortable in their communities. The organization has several programs to increase awareness of Hispanic traditions, including dance performances, film screenings and Festival Latino, which helps commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month.
Central Latino
(573) 449-9442
Central Latino provides a variety of services to help Hispanic and Latino residents of Missouri improve their circumstances. Its legal services program helps identify immigrants who are eligible to become citizens or otherwise adjust their status. Central Latino also connects community members with health services when needed.
Empower MT
(406) 541-6891
Empower MT works to create a more inclusive society by holding workshops and events for diverse communities in Montana. The organization doesn’t focus exclusively on issues of importance to Hispanic and Latino residents, but anyone can benefit from attending an event and learning more about how to safeguard their rights and access opportunities for advancement.
Nebraska Commission on Latino-Americans
(402) 471-2791
NCLA acts as a link between Latinx individuals and the Nebraska State Government. The agency takes a proactive approach to improving life for Latinx residents by increasing access to health services and educational opportunities. NCLA also educates Latinx community members on their rights, promoting justice and fairness throughout Nebraska.
The Nevada Center for Latino Advancement
(702) 218-0455
NCLA works to advance the interests of Latinx community members. The organization formed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on inequality. Due to rapid growth, NCLA now works to make it easier for Latinx residents of Nevada to access health services and immigration assistance.
New Hampshire
Governor’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion
(603) 271-2121
Established in 2017, GACDI works with the New Hampshire Department of Justice, the New Hampshire Commission for Human rights and other state agencies to combat discrimination and promote inclusion in the Granite State. Hispanic and Latino residents can share their concerns with the council as needed.
New Jersey
Latino Action Network Foundation
(732) 902-0022
LANF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting Latinx communities throughout New Jersey. Members work to promote equity and advance the interests of Latinx individuals, with the aim of creating a more just society for all people. It focuses mostly on policy proposals and other forms of advocacy.
New Mexico
El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos
(505) 246-1627
ECID aims to protect the rights of Latinx immigrants living in the Albuquerque area. Some of its areas of focus include civil rights, wage theft and worker justice. ECID also operates the Keep New Mexico Families Together program, which works to prevent family separation due to immigration enforcement actions.
New York
Hispanic Federation
(866) 432-9832
Headquartered in New York City, the Hispanic Federation strives to strengthen Hispanic families by providing a variety of direct services and suggesting policy changes to eliminate inequities. Its areas of focus include economic empowerment, environmental justice, immigration reform and increased access to health care for Hispanic residents of New York.
North Carolina
El Centro Hispano of North Carolina
(919) 687-4635
With locations in Durham, Chapel Hill and Raleigh, ECHNC advocates on behalf of Hispanic individuals in North Carolina, focusing mostly on promoting inclusion and increasing equity. The organization also works to expand access to high-quality health services and increase community participation. ECHNC’s values include respect, flexibility, teamwork and leadership.
North Dakota
North Dakota Health and Human Services
(701) 328-2310
North Dakota HHS promotes wellness and provides access to low-cost health services. Hispanic and Latinx seniors should contact the agency if they need to apply for Medicaid or other benefits. HHS also maintains a directory of mental health services, which may be helpful for individuals struggling due to a lack of equity.
Ohio Hispanic Coalition
Fill out the contact form at the OHCO website.
OHCO provides culturally competent services to Hispanic community members throughout Ohio. Interpretation and translation services are available to help Spanish-speaking residents navigate attorney meetings, medical appointments and other services. OHCO also has bilingual health promoters to ensure Hispanic patients receive quality health care in hospitals and other facilities.
Oklahoma State Department of Health
Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma: (877) 836-2111
Oklahoma City and Western Oklahoma: (877) 362-1606
OSDH oversees long-term care in Oklahoma, making it the best place to go if a Hispanic and Latinx senior has concerns about the quality of care in an assisted living community or nursing home. The agency also offers free videos to help community members learn how to lead healthier lives.
Latino Network
(503) 283-6881
The Latino Network aims to strengthen Latinx families in Oregon by making it easier to access helpful services. Its values include self-determination, social justice, collaboration and accountability. The Latino Network is also building a community center to give Latinx residents of all ages a place to celebrate their cultural traditions.
Pennsylvania Council on Aging
(717) 783-1550
PCA is responsible for administering the State Plan on Aging and protecting seniors from harm. Hispanic and Latinx seniors should contact PCA if they need to make a complaint about a long-term care facility or apply for prescription assistance. The agency also operates the Caregiver Support Program.
Rhode Island
Latino Policy Institute
(401) 276-4808
Located at Roger Williams University, LPI strives to communicate the ever-changing experiences of Latinx Rhode Islanders. The organization encourages civic engagement, leads community conversations about racial justice and works to improve access to mental health care. LPI also publishes research reports on issues of importance to Latinx residents.
South Carolina
Hispanic Alliance
(864) 256-0760
Hispanic Alliance promotes equality, acceptance and cross-cultural collaboration in South Carolina. Every initiative is based on at least one of four foundational pillars: education, health, legal and financial stability. The Hispanic Alliance also connects Hispanic residents of South Carolina with local resources that exist to fulfill unmet needs.
South Dakota
South Dakota Department of Health
(605) 773-3361
SDDH oversees assisted living communities in South Dakota, giving Hispanic and Latinx seniors and their families access to complaints and inspection reports. These documents may make it easier to find communities that welcome seniors from every cultural group.
Centro Hispano de East Tennessee
(865) 522-0052
CHdET offers direct services to Hispanic residents of East Tennessee. The organization also has a robust information and referral program, making it easier for community members to access legal, medical and translation services. CHdET also works to increase levels of civic engagement among Hispanic individuals in the region.
Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation
[email protected]
THPF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding the changing needs of Hispanic individuals in Texas. Staff members use the data they collect to make policy recommendations and ensure elected officials understand how the Hispanic community is changing.
Utah Coalition of La Raza
[email protected]
UCLA advocates on behalf of Latinx communities in Utah, promoting social justice and increasing access to critical services. The organization also offers Cesar Chavez Peace & Justice Awards to individuals who honor Chavez’s legacy by advocating for the needs of Latinx community members and making a positive impact.
Vermont Human Rights Commission
(802) 828-2480
VHRC strives to protect the rights of all residents of Vermont, making it a helpful resource for Hispanic and Latinx individuals dealing with discrimination or other human and civil rights issues. During Hispanic Heritage Month, VHRC also recognizes the contributions of Hispanic and Latinx community members.
Latinos in Virginia Empowerment Center
(804) 658-3341
LVEC aims to create equity for Spanish-speaking residents of Virginia. All programs are designed to be culturally and linguistically appropriate, increasing access to information that can help Latinx community members improve their lives. LVEC also offers assistance to victims of domestic violence.
Latino Community Fund of Washington State
[email protected]
LCFWS focuses on helping Latinx residents of Washington access high-quality health care, and educational services promoting healthy lifestyle. The organization serves as a benefits enrollment center, making it easier for Latinx individuals to apply for Medicaid and other programs. The ultimate goal is to create a vibrant Latinx community.
West Virginia
West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
(304) 558-0684
WVDHHR oversees assisted living communities in West Virginia. Any Hispanic and Latinx senior who experiences discrimination in a long-term care facility should file a complaint with the agency. DHHR also has staff members available to assist seniors and their families with finding an assisted living community or paying for long-term care services.
Centro Hispano of Dane County
(608) 255-3018
CHDC offers family support services to Latinx residents of Dane County, Wisconsin, which includes Madison and surrounding areas. Staff members are available to help seniors apply for Affordable Care Act coverage if they’re not yet eligible for Medicare. CHDC also holds events to celebrate Latinx cultures.
Wyoming Department of Health
(307) 777-7656
WDH has several divisions, including Aging, which handles health care licensing and community living. Hispanic and Latinx seniors in Wyoming should consult WDH if they need to view assisted living inspection reports or make a complaint regarding a long-term care facility. The Division of Healthcare Financing also connects residents with Medicaid benefits.